2010년 10월 29일 금요일

My teaching experiences and target teaching levels

Before begging this program, I worked for the architectural firm as a graphic designer, Also do free-lance work working out of home cause I majored in interior design. It is totally unconnected with my major between this CSUSB TESOL MA Program but I had opportunities to learn American culture and society as well as language. After language study abroad in USA, I'd really wanted to proceed to the degree of MA study abroad and I happened to know this CSUSB TESOL MA program. As you can see, I didn’t have any experience to instruct as an English teacher. This is my one of a great challenge over the past few years.

 Actually, it is hard to decide what my target level in my future it is right now curse I am kind of beginner to start as an English teacher. But if I get an opportunity to teach, I’d like to teach as an English teacher through various activities from preschool child to the lower grades. They will be my target teaching levels.

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